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I would like to take this time to congratulate my fellow officers who have been nominated and elected for the 2005 2006 Administrative Year, whose names are posted at the bottom of this message. With that in mind, let me stress, that taking a position as an officer of the Post means more than just a name being placed on the officer register. Becoming an officer of your Post Home comes with duties and responsibilities assigned to each position. With this election, please take the time to put every effort into that position that you hold, to better yourself and your Post. Remember, you were elected to uphold that position and duties performed are expected of you. Believe me, you WILL feel better about yourself knowing that you have committed your time to helping others. I would also like to congratulate the newly elected officers of both Post Squadron 182 of the Sons of the American Legion and Unit 182 of The American Legion Auxiliary. I look forward to working with the newly elected SAL Commander, Tom Kahl, and the newly elected Auxiliary President, Lynn Kahl. Together we can make things happen to improve our Post Home. We desperately need to continue working as a Family and get the good relationship back to the point that YOU and YOUR Post deserves. Working together will only provide better service to all members of our Post, needy families, and children within our community.
I do recognize the time given to our Post by the members who tirelessly continue to help from our weekly Bingo to the behind-the-scenes work that is being done. There is a lot of work being done that never gets the pat-on-the-back so to speak, and which many members are not aware of. Most of this work is not visible to the membership. Keeping the financial status of the post current is a tremendous job and any one who holds that position deserves a lot of credit. Paperwork between Department of Maryland and the Post is also a time consuming position of which credit needs to be given to your Adjutant.
We need more members attending the monthly meetings that are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. We need your ideas and suggestions to help in this effort to improve. Without you we cannot vote on the donations to the needy and children of the community. We need at least 10 members to hold a full meeting. Out of 220 plus members we should be able to have 1/4th of those members attend. I always hear comments about things that we do. Sometimes good comments and sometimes not so good comments. Please attend the meetings so you can voice your opinions as well. You and your Post deserve it!!!!!!!!
Your Post has given approximately
80 students, $50.00 savings bonds to 5th graders at both Dublin
Elementary and
The Post also gave out high school scholarships again
this year to students at Kennard-Dale and
Kimberly D. Kavanaugh $1000.00 Kristina Wagner $1000.00
Spencer Haskins $ 750.00 Ashley Wilson $ 750.00
We sponsored a Boys Stater this year whose name is Edmund Ward. While he attended
I would like to thank all members
who helped in the Grave Decorating for Memorial Day this year. A special thank you goes out to Donnie
Williams for seeing that
Our Flag Disposal ceremony was held on June 14th. Cub Scout Pack 842 and Boy Scout Troop 400 participated as usual. This was a very nice ceremony. I would like to thank Kelly Wiley, Sandra Asbury, and Donna McFadden for helping in the kitchen as they always do in providing refreshments after this ceremony.
By the time you receive this
Newsletter, our Post will have been represented at the Department Convention,
which was held in
Bingo is still doing fine and we still would like to see more members come out to support this effort. Bingo runs every Wednesday from 7pm to 10pm. Thanks to all those volunteering their time to make Bingo a winning effort.
Come out and support your SAL with their Crab Feast that will be held on July 30, 2005. This will be a fun time for all and they need your support. The event will run from 1-5pm with great food and games. Music will be provided during the event. Anyone interested in tickets please see Bob Johnson or call 410-452-5819.
In November 2005, your Post will be holding their November Bull and Oyster Roast. This is our 2nd Roast of the 2005-year. Please come out and support that as well. For tickets contact Bill Straw at 410-452-5819.
Remember it is YOUR post and membership is everyones responsibility. With your help we can become a 3 or 4 Star Post every year. This year we did accomplish becoming a 3 Star Post. Again, I stress for all members to give up one hour every month to attend the membership meetings that are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month at the Post home beginning at 7:30pm.
I would like to see everyone attend our Installation of Officers Ceremony this year on August 6, 2005 starting at 5pm. Cocktails are from 5-6pm, Dinner from 6-7pm, with the Installation Ceremony beginning at 7pm. This years guest speaker will be District Delegate Mr. Barry Glassman. Please come out to support your new officers for 2005-2006. If planning to attend there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the canteen. Attending will also be the Past Department Commander, Ed White, so come out and show them that your Post is strong and well.
Our Organizational Meeting will be held on August 16, 2005 at 6:30pm. Please plan to attend. This meeting is for any regular members. We will be planning our stradegy for the upcoming administrative year.
I would also like to thank Lynn Kahl for stepping up and seeing that our Newsletter gets back on track.
Thank you and lets have a great 2005-2006 year. Remember, Teamwork is the root of accomplishing all tasks that lie before us.
For God and Country
Robert M. McFadden, Commander
The 2006 membership year is underway. Pay your new dues now and become an Early Bird. The cutoff for Early Bird is November 1, 2005, so support your Post and help make our goal of 3 Star Post again this year.
Thank you,
Jim DeRan
Post Adjutant
Please give me a call at 717-456-9380 if you know of any one that is sick, hospitalized, or has passed away, so I can take appropriate action. This past year, we have lost David Bradley, Ernie Dick, Kenny Edwards, Ross Wise, John Drumgoale, and Fred Fabian. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of these departed comrades. If I can be of any spiritual help to anyone or you just want to talk, call me
Peace be with you.
David Watson
Post Chaplain
Commander .Robert M. McFadden
1st Vice Commander Bob Hall
2nd Vice Commander .Verne Marks
Finance Officer John Grubb
Historian Don Ockerman
Chaplain David Watson, Jr.
Adjutant Jim DeRan
Sgt-At-Arms ..Tim Stevens
Post Service Officer William Thacker
night 2nd Tuesday of Month at 7:30pm*********
Commander .Tom Kahl
1st Vice Commander Carl Glackin
2nd Vice Commander ...Robert Johnson
Finance Officer ..Charles Evans
Historian .. .. Donald Mabe
Sgt-At-Arms ..David Holmes
Adjutant ...Richard Tarbert
S.A.L. Advisor . .David Watson, Jr.
night 1st Sunday of the Month at 5:00pm*********
President .Lynn Kahl
1st Vice President . . .Bonnie Morris
Secretary ...Sandra Asbury
Finance Officer . Donna McFadden
Historian . .Gale Smith
Sgt-At-Arms . .Shelly Thompson
Chaplain ..Carolee Watson
Executive Board . ...Kelly Wiley
Executive Board .Joyce Johnson
Executive Board ....Sandra Asbury
*********Meeting night 3rd Monday of the Month at
Well, S.A.L. members, this is a new squadron year. Your newly elected officers need your support. New ideas are needed. You are an arm of the Legion and the Post needs your help also. I see some of you at pool league night. Please consider an hour or so on the first Sunday evening of each month at 5pm to attend the meeting. Your post needs your help, support, and time. Be a participant, not a bystander! If I can be of any help to any of you, dont hesitate to call me at 717-456-9380. Dont forget the Installation of Officers on August 6, 2005 at 5pm.
For God & Country
David Watson
July 30, 2005 Crab Feast from 1pm to 5pm---Tickets available for $30.00 per person.
Great food --- Great time! Call Bob Johnson for more information at 410-952-1141.
August 27 & 28, 2005 Gun Show from 9am to 4pm. The admission fee for the show is $3.00. There will be delicious pit beef and ham available for purchase. There will also be a flea market in the field area adjacent to Legion parking lot. Come out and join us. Its a showdown! For more information call Bob Johnson at 410-952-1141
Another new year is going to start for our Auxiliary, and I have been elected to serve as your Chaplain for another year. In order to keep up with our sick and loss of loved ones, I would like for you to call me or one of our active members to let us know, so we can pray for them and send cards. We would also like for ALL members to send us their name, address, phone number, birthday, anniversary or other special events in their lives. You may also drop off the information to my attention at the Legion Canteen. We wish all of you a Happy Birthday for June, July, and August. Also, Happy Anniversary to those married in these months. If you need any spiritual help, I am here to try to help you.
Your Chaplain
Carolee Watson
September 17, 2005 -- Craft and flea market from 8am to 3pm. Table space is available for $15.00 inside and $10.00 outside. Kitchen will be open plus delicious pit beef and ham. To reserve your space or for additional information call Bonnie 717-456-5187, Lynn 410-836-0504, Sandy 410-452-5506, Kelly 410-452-2244
October 1, 2005 ----Watch your local papers- the Delta Star and the Aegis, and our own personal newsletter, for our upcoming ALL NIGHT BINGO. It will be our first all nighter, but definitely not our last
The Ladies Auxiliary hosted a
bingo and luncheon on July 13th for the
Deadline for fall newsletter is September 10, 2005. Anyone wishing to add to the newsletter can do so by emailing their text to or dropping them off at the Legion Canteen, Attention: Lynn Kahl
Comments or
Last Updated on 11Nov05